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After School Activities & Clubs

Photo of a student made float parading down the hall

North School offers various clubs and after school activities for students to participate in throughout the school year.

Name of Club

Grades Offered Time of Year Contact Person
North Newscast

For 1st - 5th grade students.

All year long
Ms. Torres
Drawing Club For 3rd - 5th grade students. All year long Ms. Jensen
Classic Games For 3rd - 5th grade students. Fall, Winter Ms. Jensen
Card Sharks For 2nd - 5th grade students. Winter, Spring TBD
Virtual Field Trips For 2nd - 3rd grade students. Winter Ms. Stevens
Intramurals For 3rd - 5th grade students. Fall, Spring Mr. Marzillo
Intramurals For 3rd - 5th grade students. Fall, Spring Mr. Meger
Craft Club TBD Winter TBD
Health 101 For 3rd - 5th grade students. Fall Ms. Czapla
Fun ESL For 1st grade students. Winter Ms. Czapla
Math Games For 2nd - 5th grade students. Fall, Winter TBD
Dance Club For 2nd - 3rd grade students. Winter Ms. Stevens
Band Geeks For 5th grade students. Fall Ms. Bell
Chorus For 4th - 5th grade students. Fall Ms. Bell
Chorus For 4th - 5th grade students. Fall TBD
Page Turners Club For 4th - 5th grade students. TBD Ms. Boscardin
Mentor Programs For 1st - 5th grade students. All year long Ms. Galvan
Announcements TBD All year Ms. Galvan