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Third Graders Paddle Through Glacier Bay National Park

Third Graders Paddle Through Glacier Bay National Park

The "Flip the Trip" Club at North Elementary School took a trip to Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska this week.

The Flip the Trip Club, which is led by Special Education Teacher Ms. Natalie Stevens and Library Media Specialist Ms. Kelly Torres, is offered to third graders during their lunch hour once a week. The club brings the field trip to the school and provides new experiences and interests to the students.

The Glacier Bay National Park tour guide, Ben, who works for the National Park Service, started the virtual presentation by showing the students the National Park Service logo, which is in the shape of an arrowhead. 

He then showed the students a map of the United States, pointing to where Glacier Bay, Alaska is located in relation to Des Plaines, IL.

The students learned about the Tlingit tribe, a group of Indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest who are native to the area.

He also talked about berries that are native to the park, as well as the fish that are in Glacier Bay National Park. 

Ben showed the students hand signals the rangers use for each of the fish and the students had fun practicing them.

As a group, the students decided what mode of transportation they were going to take to explore Glacier Bay and all agreed that a kayak would be best.

The students took turns "paddling" through the chilly bay.

As the students were moving through the bay, they saw all kinds of wildlife, including blue whales, killer whales and sea lions.

As they approached the beach they spotted otters and puffins, along with animal foot prints in the sand that they were asked to identify.

Other highlights of their adventure included seeing a bear skull and a sea lion skull.

When the journey was over, the students said a National Park pledge.

After they promised to take care of animals, plants and the earth, as well as be kind to others, they received a Junior Ranger Glacier Bay National Park badge. 

The students had a amazing time visiting Glacier Bay National Park and are excited to see what trip Ms. Steven's has planned for them next week!


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