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Photo of an author doing a presentation for students in the gym.

What's Happening at north!

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Latest News

Robots Take Over the North Hallways

All of the students at North Elementary are reading the book "The Wild Robot" by Author Peter Brown for the school's "One School One Story" activity.

  • North
Third Grade Computer Coding

North Elementary School's Literacy Enrichment Teacher, Ms. Boscardin, met with the third grade students in Ms. McKelvey's class to work with them on coding.

  • North
Stained Glass Art Creations

North Elementary School fourth graders in Mr. Abe Lee's art class learned a new stained glass technique this week.

  • North
A Bustling Marketplace at North! 

North Elementary School fifth graders have finished their first Project Based Learning (PBL) unit on economics. 

  • North
Collaborations and Connections

North School Students benefit from taking on leadership responsibilities and practicing working well with others!

  • North
Students "Walk Off for Cancer"

For the twelfth year in a row, North Elementary School students participated in the Anthony Rizzo Family Foundation's "Walk Off for Cancer" fundraiser.

  • North
North's Got Talent

The North School Talent Show is an annual tradition put on by North's very own 4th and 5th graders.

  • North
Lurvey Landscaping Lesson

North's Flip the Trip Club recently enjoyed a visit from Lurvey Landscape here in Des Plaines.

  • North
A Visit from the DP History Center

As part of the Flip the Trip Club, North third graders recently had an opportunity to welcome Emma Marston from the Des Plaines History Museum.

  • North
Dot and Dash Lesson

Second grade students in Ms. Stephanie Acuna's bilingual Spanish class enjoyed using Dot and Dash robots to engage in problem-solving and critical thinking activities.

  • North
Dancing Through North School!

The North Elementary School Dance Club, under the direction of Ms. Natalie Stevens, has been running for about 13 years! 

  • North
A Visit from Punxsutawney Phil!

Students in Ms. Natalie Steven's "Flip the Trip" Club had a chance to Zoom with the one and only Punsxutawney Phil and his handlers the day before Groundhog's Day this year.

  • North
A Visit from the Library

Two representatives from the Des Plaines Public Library visited students at North Elementary School last week.

  • North
Birthday Book Bash!

North students who had birthdays during the month of November celebrated in a special way. 

  • North
Keep Calm and Love Mother Earth!

North hosted a kindergarten and first grade outdoor program last Friday on the blacktop behind the school.

  • North
A Little Inspiration

Students in Abe Lee's class had some fun with water colors.

  • North
Photo of students playing trumpets and walking down the school hallway for their Mardi Gras parade.

Students and staff at North Elementary School celebrated Mardi Gras with a parade earlier this month.

  • North
Photo of a teacher working with two students in her classroom.

North Elementary School is our largest elementary school here in Community Consolidated School District 62.

  • North